
  • Title : Reasons for Poor Performance of Entrepreneurship Development Programmes Conducted in the State of J&K
    Author(s) : Khursheed A Butt
    KeyWords : Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs), Startup Rate, Blocked Enterprises
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    Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs) were on the economic agenda of all govts. all over the country including the state of J&K. So far large number of EDPs were conducted in J & K in which thousands of persons were trained. But the research has revealed that these programmes by and large have failed in their stated goals. Why EDPs have failed in generating entrepreneurship is the pertinent research question. The factors that have contributed to the poor outcome of EDPs in J & K State has been the subject matter of the current study. To draw the meaningful inferences about the subject matter, the data collected both from primary and secondary sources has been analyzed by making use of multiple statistical tools/ techniques mainly parametric tests viz; Z Test Standard Deviation & percentages. The study has revealed that inappropriate selection strategies, poor quality of trainers, inappropriate training methodology, ambiguity in the focus of the programme, lacy of post training support system and role failure of financial & service organizations.

  • Title : From Linear to Circular: Navigating Global Challenges with Sustainable Resource Management
    Author(s) : Javaid Iqbal KHan
    KeyWords : Industrial revolution, sustainable resource management
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    Contemporary human existence is marked by escalating environmental degradation, resource scarcity, and the looming spectre of climate change. It is in this backdrop that this paper examines the historical trajectory from the industrial revolution to contemporary challenges, revealing the environmental costs of mass production, including emissions, solid waste, and landfills. It delves into the challenges posed by the linear economic paradigm, such as environmental pollution and global resource scarcity, necessitating a paradigm shift. The genesis of the circular economy is explored, tracing its historical evolution and highlighting global initiatives in Germany, Japan, the European Union, China, and international collaborations. Challenges in adopting circular principles, including mindset shifts, global supply chain complexities, and inclusivity, are discussed, with education, awareness, and technological advancements identified as crucial catalysts. The paper concludes by affirming the Circular Economy as a compelling response to linear challenges, offering a sustainable roadmap for economic growth aligned with the Earth's finite resources, and harmonizing prosperity with planetary well-being.

  • Title : Understanding the Relationship between Herd Behavior, Faith and Rationality of Individual Investors: An Empirical Analysis
    Author(s) : 1Bashir Ahmad Joo 2 Kokab Durri
    KeyWords : Psychological Traits, Rationality, Herd Behaviour, Faith
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    Making sound and rational financial decisions is a cherished goal for every human being, while their financial decisions are mostly influenced by the psychological traits of individual investors. Researchers have been trying hard to study the contours of individuals’ psychological traits and investment decisions, which form the subject matter of behavioural finance. It is believed that psychological traits have a significant influence on the rationality of individual investors at the time they make financial decisions. It is against this backdrop, that this study makes a modest attempt to understand the impact of two important psychological traits namely herd behaviour and faith on the rationality of individual investors. The study is broadly based on the primary data collected through a well-structured questionnaire with a sample of 303 respondents by employing random sampling from the active individual investors of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. To achieve the objectives of the study, T-test, F-test, and correlation analysis are used for the analysis of the data. The results of the study exhibit that “herd behaviour” and “faith” of individual investors’ influences the rationality of individual investors and eventually the “faith” has prodigious influence on the herding mindset of the investors

  • Title : The Influence of Big Five Personality Traits on Organisational Commitment: A Conceptual Framework
    Author(s) : 1Natasha Saqib 2Nazir Ahmed Nazir
    KeyWords : Big Five, Personality Traits, Organisational Commitment, conceptual framework
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    This conceptual framework explores the relationship between Big Five personality traits and organisational commitment. Drawing upon existing literature, this paper proposes a theoretical model that elucidates how each dimension of the Big Five personality traits—Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism—may impact an individual's level of commitment to their organisation. The framework integrates relevant theories and empirical evidence to comprehensively understand the complex interplay between personality traits and organisational commitment. Implications for research and practice are discussed, along with avenues for future research.

  • Title : Towards Exploring the Structural Problems in Jammu and Kashmir: Some Policy Prescriptions
    Author(s) : 1 Mohammad Shafi 2 Mehak Majeed
    KeyWords : Economy; Industry; Jammu and Kashmir; India; Services; Sustainability
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    The region of Jammu and Kashmir occupies a singular position on the global stage, characterized primarily by its unique geographical location, situated between 32°17' and 36°58' north latitude and 73°26' and 83°30' east longitude. Located at the confluence of several international borders, it has historically been coveted by powerful empires and rulers, all vying for its territorial control and political influence. Consequently, the region's historical narrative is rich and diverse, marked by a succession of different ruling entities. In the modern historical context, as the Indian subcontinent approached the threshold of colonial independence from British rule, the region of Jammu and Kashmir faced a complex quandary. While the ruling authority of the region aspired to maintain its independence, prevailing circumstances seemed to necessitate its integration into India. Simultaneously, the Muslim-majority population of the region harboured aspirations of aligning with the dominion of Pakistan. These conflicting aspirations led to a series of unforeseen developments, culminating in the fracturing of the erstwhile princely state. The focus of this study pertains to the segment of Jammu and Kashmir that merged with the republic of India.In the wake of independence and the subsequent accession of this region to India, new infrastructural, economic, and communicative avenues needed to be established. Both the state and central governments have since invested significant efforts in establishing a functional network for communication and economic transactions between the region of Jammu and Kashmir and the rest of the country. Nevertheless, the idiosyncratic geography of the region has persistently posed challenges, impeding the realization of this vision. The GSDP of J&K for the year 2020-21 was recorded at 1.76 lakh crore Indian rupees. The economy of J&K is dominated by the services sector mainly tourism, with a contribution of 43.5%, followed by 26% by Industry, 27% by the primary sector and 2.5% by the handicrafts sector. The road length of J&K is 41141 Kms and there is no reliable and sustainable water transportation available for commercial use as such. The railway length of J&K is 298 Kms but the main issue faced by it is the absence of rigorous rail connectivity, which has been acting as a major tumbling block in its developmental trajectory for a very long time. The installed hydropower capacity of J&K is 3510 Megawatts while the potential is 20000 Megawatts. J&K has 8 million tonnes reserves of Lignite, 7 million tonnes reserves of Magnesite, a 2 kms mineralized zone of Sapphires among many other minerals. The present study endeavours to scrutinize the contemporary position, characteristics and prospectus of the J&K economy. The aim of the study is to validate the challenges that the J&K economy is facing viz-a-viz its current capacity and the potential untapped resources. A detailed analysis of various descriptive statistics is be carried-out and the study concludes to make relevant policy recommendations focusing on the sustainable growth and development of the J&K economy

  • Title : The Role of Soft HRM in Indian Family-Owned Businesses
    Author(s) : 1Nissar Ahmad Paul 2 Parvaiz Ahmad Shah 3 Sabiya Mufti
    KeyWords : Family-Owned Business, Soft HRM, Hard HRM, India
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    The primary objective of the present study is to check the conceptual understanding of family-owned businesses in India. Family-owned businesses are a significant part of the country's economy, contributing to GDP, employment, and exports. These businesses often face unique challenges, such as succession planning and governance, but they possess strengths like tradition, values, and a long-term perspective. Soft Human Resource Management (HRM) principles, emphasizing employee development and positive work culture, are pivotal in addressing these challenges and leveraging their strengths. Integrating Soft HRM in Indian familyowned businesses requires a delicate balance between tradition and modernity. It involves employee development, work-life balance, communication, and succession planning. The successful adoption of Soft HRM can improve employee satisfaction, retention, and organizational performance. Indian family-owned businesses, such as Wipro, Tata Group, Aditya Birla Group, and Godrej Consumer Products, have embraced Soft HRM practices, leading to benefits like attracting and retaining top talent, improving employee morale and productivity, and enhancing brand reputation. Research evidence underscores the positive impact of Soft HRM on employee relations and overall business performance, indicating that family-owned businesses adopting these practices are more likely to succeed in the long run. Furthermore, studies reveal that family-owned businesses outperform non-familyowned businesses in terms of resilience, investment in innovation, job creation, and community contribution. However, they also face challenges in succession planning, corporate governance, and professionalization. Soft HRM has played a crucial role in the development and success of Indian family-owned businesses, fostering employee engagement, talent retention, and sustainable growth. These businesses have evolved by prioritizing employee well-being and development, aligning with their long-term perspective, and attracting external talent. Soft HRM practices have proven to be a valuable asset in the dynamic landscape of Indian family-owned businesses.

  • Title : Book Review Life 3.0.: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Max Tegmark ISBN: 978-0-141-981802
    Author(s) : 1Asif Maqbool Dendru
    KeyWords :
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