
  • Title : Factors of Job Stress: A Study with reference to Doctors Working in Government Medical Colleges
    Author(s) : Dinesh Kumar Pandiya, Arijeet Das, Dipali Dey
    KeyWords : Job stress, Doctors, Medical, Patient, Assam
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    People facing any kind of physical or mental disorder, including stress, naturally look towards doctors for remedial measures. Doctors to the extent possible, provide the possible remedy. Unfortunately, the factors like lack of requisite health awareness among the masses especially in the developing countries like India, partly due to insufficient affordability and partly due to conservative and dogmatic approach resulting into late reporting of ailments, inappropriate availability of health care facilities and poor ratio between the health care workers and the patients, etc., put the doctors under stress. Not to say that once the doctors themselves remain under stress, their performance is bound to be negatively affected. Keeping the above scenario in the mind it was decided to probe into the factors, along with the relative contribution of these, which ordinarily are capable of putting stress on doctors and also with the help of a case study to know the degree of stress these factors generally lead to on the doctors who are comparatively juniors and are serving in government medical colleges. Statistical analysis was done by deriving the mean and rank of the factors. The present study was undertaken to probe the above issues with the help doctors working in Silchar Medical College Hospital of Assam.

    Author(s) : Qurat-ul-Ain Shah, Shabir A. Bhat
    KeyWords : Sanitation, Hygiene, Community centres etc.
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    India is one of the world’s fastest growing economies. While no one can doubt its increasing influence on the world stage, it also faces the uncomfortable truth that many people still struggle with life on the poverty line. The paradox is that India is a technological leader and home to titans of industry, yet millions still live in the most basic conditions with inadequate sanitation and healthcare. In October 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Swachh Bharat, the “Clean India” campaign. This movement was created with the potential to boost the health and welfare of so many people, so quickly. The Prime Minister urged India’s 1.25 billion people to turn cleanliness into a social movement. He galvanized the masses and created an ambition so simple it could not be ignored: each household would have a toilet. This ambition, both humble and grand, would shape the growth and prosperity of the nation for generations to come. The Indian Government, like many around the world, has recognized that health is a key determinant of economic growth in the 21st century. Better health leads to higher income, which in turn leads to better health. Like education, health is a fundamental component of human capital. “Clean India” campaign has made significant progress certifying open defecation-free villages, while raising hygiene awareness and standards. This study aims to make an important contribution to SBM’s successful implementation in the state of Jammu & Kashmir by assessing progress to date, identifying resources allocated and assessing utilization of those resources for its effective implementation and suggesting ways to give SBM the greatest chance of achieving its ambition.

  • Title : Internal Marketing and Employee Competencies: A study from selected banks
    Author(s) : S. Mufeed Ahmad, Qurashi Shazia
    KeyWords : Internal marketing, employee competencies, training, motivation, attitude, knowledge.
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    This paper aims to examine the differences in internal marketing perspective and employee competencies across three selected banks viz. SBI, J&K bank and HDFC in Kashmir divisions. The paper presents the empirical evidence regarding the differences among the selected banks. The internal marketing perspective chosen for the study includes training and development, communication and motivation. The employee competencies has been measured using the attitude, skills and knowledge. The study found that the internal marketing perspective varied significantly across banks which in turn had a significant impact on their competencies.

    Author(s) : Sumira Gulzar, Iqbal Ahmad Hakim
    KeyWords : Innovative work behaviour (IWB), Organisational climate, J&K Bank
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    Innovative Work Behaviour involves intentional creation, introduction and application of new ideas within a work role, group or organization, in order to improve the overall organizational performance. In organizational context, Organizational climate is reported as an essential factor that affects the individual's innovative behaviour as well as organization or team level innovation. The present study aims to study the impact of organisational climate on shaping the innovative work behaviour at an individual level as well on organisational level among the employees of the Jammu and Kashmir bank. Results of regression analysis showed that the organisational climate has a significant positive impact on Innovative Work behaviour of employees. Further, findings revealed that the demographic characteristics of employees such as age and gender don’t significantly influence their Innovative Work behaviour.

  • Title : Rural Development through Financial Inclusion – An Empirical Study of Women SHGs in Kashmir
    Author(s) : Effat Yasmin, Masrat Rasool
    KeyWords : Rural development, Financial Inclusion, Empowerment, Microfinance, Poverty, Self Help Groups (SHGs), SHGs Bank Linkage Programme.
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    Out of 1.2 billion Indians, 833 million people (about 69 per cent) are living in rural areas of the country. In spite of their being in majority, they have been lagging behind in the fields of education, civic amenities, medical facilities and economic well being. To achieve the objective of inclusive growth number of schemes and programs have been launched by Central and State governments in India since 1951. Among various policies and programs the financial inclusion by way of microfinance is believed to be one of the most effective policy intervention for reducing poverty, inequality and generating self employment opportunities for poor in general and those living in rural areas in particular. It is in this context that present study has been carried out to find out the role of Self Help Groups (henceforth SHGs) in socio-economic development of rural women in Kashmir valley. The findings of the study revealed that access to credit and financial assistance to SHGs had a positive impact on their living conditions, income, savings, asset creation, health, mobility and decision making at various levels in household and society in the study area.

  • Title : Management of Inventories with special reference to Textile Industry: A Review
    Author(s) : Numaira Showkat, S. Mohammad Shafi
    KeyWords : Inventory management, Working capital management, Re-order level, Socioeconomic development, Textile industry
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    Inventory management aims to optimize the size of inventory in a firm so that smooth performance of production and sales function may be possible at minimum cost. The Inventory is a major constituent and component of working capital in almost every business concern. The success and failure of any business firm depends upon its inventory management performance to a great extent. Mismanagement of inventories and absence of control systems have resulted in terrible performance for some of the industries in developing economies. There is an abundance of literature, methods, models and computer analysis which have evolved from time to time and are highly availed of in the realms of industrial settings with greater pay-off of quality, precision and non-blockade of working capital. This paper is aimed to study how inventories in textile sector are managed across the globe. An attempt has been made to summarize and present the theories, techniques and important concepts of inventory management especially in textile sector. Textile industries have been playing an important role for the socio-economic development of the countries. This paper will make an attempt to explore the research findings on management of Inventories in this sector across the world. Thus inventory management as a subject becomes all the more important as that it is the largest employer proving employment to a huge bunch of people across the globe.

  • Title : Some Reflections of Internal Marketing in the Success of External Marketing: An Empirical Assessment in Health Care Sector
    Author(s) : Waseem Hassan Matoo, Mushtaq Ahmed Siddiqi
    KeyWords : Internal marketing, Organizational performance, Health care, Government hospitals, External marketing.
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    Internal marketing is of paramount importance when it comes to satisfy the needs of employees by considering the employees as internal customers. Satisfaction of the organization's employees’ needs could be addressed in a best possible manner through internal marketing activities which in turn could lead in forming and improving of employees’ extra-involvement behaviors in addition to the improvement of their required organizational performance. This generalized concept holds true for the health care sector as well. Thus, the present paper examines the impact of internalmarketing on the success of external marketing in the health care sector of Kashmir province. For this purpose 170 subjects were selected which included physicians, nurses and paramedical staff, and in parallel, 273 patients coded with these hospital employees were selected for the survey. The study reveals that internal marketing has a direct and indirect impact on external marketing success using internal marketing research, empowerment and internal communication as measures of internal marketing and patient satisfaction & institutional image as measures of external marketing.

  • Title : Institution Building in Universities- A Key to Excellence
    Author(s) : Umar Mufeed, Ajaz Akbar Mir
    KeyWords : Institution building, universities, excellence, teaching and researc
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    Institution building is a continuous process of developing self renewal mechanism of an institution with a purpose to improve and enrich its existing capabilities and resources. Institutions irrespective of their nature play a pivotal role in transforming societies and contributing towards nation development. In this respect, educational institutions, particularly higher academic institutions have far reaching impact on society as compared to other institutions. Therefore, institution building in higher educational institutions is critical towards enhancing the competitiveness of a nation. Keeping this in view, the present research study is aimed to examine the perception of teaching personnel towards institution building in sample selected institutions. The results of the study revealed that teaching personnel have shown favourable perception towards IB practices. However, it has been seen from the data analysis that gender does not significantly influence the perception of teaching personnel towards institution building in sample study institutions. The findings of the study suggest that IB practices needs to be further enriched so that it results in improving the performance of sample select institutions.

    Author(s) : Shahnawaz Ahmad Dar
    KeyWords : Cultural heritage Tourism,resources, challenge, local community, preservation.
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    Tourism is presently one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Countries are making constructive efforts for attracting maximum number of tourists. Therefore the ultimate challenge is in delivering tourism products that are appropriate to and compatible with both hosts and guests. In this sense, Cultural Heritage Tourism is seen as capable of fulfilling such requirements. Due to the attractiveness of Cultural Heritage as a commodity, an increasing number of areas across the world are being promoted as Cultural Heritage Destinations. Kashmir is a well-known international tourism destination and has tremendous tourism potential to attract different types of tourists. Along with its scenic beauty, the valley of Kashmir is famous for its rich Cultural Heritage. The amalgamation of Hindu, Muslim and Buddhist Philosophies has added colour and fragrance to the Kashmiri Culture resulting into a composite culture based on humanism, secularism and tolerance. The difference of ethnics present in Kashmir brought different local knowledge discipline ranging from its architecture, handicrafts, tradition, music and dance, which reflects a colorful Heritage and an amalgamated Culture. In order to maintain, conserve and preserve the resources and assets of Cultural Heritage in Kashmir, a system or management need to be developed that takes into consideration every issue and challenge confronting Cultural Heritage Tourism. The purpose of this study is to examine the Potential of the Cultural Heritage Tourism in Kashmir, theissues and challenges confrontingCultural Heritage Tourism of Kashmir and suggesting the way forward for it.